Documents and Presentations

Here you will find a range of documents, presentations and videos relating to HowLeaky.

Howleaky governance

Terms of reference: Clarifies governance of the HowLeaky model developed by the Queensland Government. HowLeaky is a community governed model 

Documentation V5 (2019)

A detailed description of the science within HowLeaky (Version 5.49). Sample input parameter values for different submodels are provided in the append

Describing soil

Hints on describing soils for Howleaky

Describing vegetation

Specifying crops, pastures and management.

Irrigation options

Application of irrigation in Howleaky

Pesticide methodology

Exploration of interactions between pesticide inputs, climate, land use, and soil management.

Parameterisation process

A pragmatic process to glean land use and soil information from local experts

Howleaky overview (2019)

A new era for the HowLeaky agricultural  systems  and water quality  model  in an open science  platform  Modsim 2019

Open source platform for modelling hydrology & water quality (2021)

Poster: Describing the redevelopment of Howleaky Cairns (Ghahramani et al 2021)    

Water balance concepts

A guide to water balance concepts

Water quality database (2014)

 ~130 hydrology or water quality sites (to 2013) www link not active, available as txt from this site's contacts

Decision support and education aids (2004)

A collection of decision support and  learning  tools Factsheet 2004.

Howleaky (2006)

Brief description of Howleaky

Demystifying modelling 2004

D.J. Rattray, D.M. Freebairn , D. McClymont, D.M. Silburn, J. Owens and B. Robinson 2004 HOWLEAKY? THE JOURNEY TO DEMYSTIFYING SIMPLE TECHNOLOGY

An instructive model

Model interface suited to learning and analysis. Conference Proceedings PUR$L 2003.

Learning & Decision support (2001)

Simplified models  have some advantages over complex models. Simplification and specialisation can offer some real advantages in modelling tools.

Linking management to nutrient losses in runoff

B. Robinson, D. Rattray, D. Freebairn3, D.M. Silburn and D. McClymont Using a Simple Hydrologic Model to Link Management to Nutrient Concent

Pragmatic parameterisation (2020)

A pragmatic parameterisation and calibration approach to model hydrology and water quality of agricultural landscapes and catchments. Ghahramani, A

PERFECT model I (1992)

Impact of soil erosion on production in cropping systems .I. Development and validation of a simulation model M Littleboy, DM Silburn, DM Freebairn

PERFECT model II (1992)

Impact of soil erosion on production in cropping systems .II. Simulation of production and erosion risks for a wheat cropping system M Littleboy, DM F

Model application in semi-arid tropics - India (1996)

 An Indian case study applying the PERFECT model. M Littleboy, AL Cogle, GD Smith, DF Yule and KPC Rao 1996 Soil management and production of alf

Publication list Howleaky and PERFECT (2017)

Updated to 2017

PERFECT Manual V3.0 (1999)

Productivity Erosion Runoff Functions to Evaluate Conservation Techniques M. Littleboy, D.M. Freebairn, D.M. Silburn D.R. Woodruff and G.L. Hammer Que

HowLeaky Console (V6.0.1)

This is the latest version of the HowLeaky Console Appliation. This version will run on Windows Desktop, but has no interface as it runs from the comm

HowLeaky v5.49.03 (Desktop Version)

This executable is the latest version of the HowLeaky Desktop Application (C++ Version). Latest version: HowLeaky v5.49.03 Release date: 1 Nov 2

Howleaky sites database extraction (2013)

A list of “Super sites” which were available at in 2013 follows. This www site was decommissioned 20

Water balance model development in Queensland (1983-2025)

A brief history of 40 years of development of PERFECT and Howleaky models in Queensland (1983-2025)